Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving; Everyone take Five

It's Thanksgiving week 2015 and everyone is going to taking time to be with people and do the Christmas rehearsal dinner.  Pay close attention this week as the "family" messages come out of each campaign.

Here is a throwback picture courtesy of www.whitehouse.gov of then First Lady Hillary Clinton serving Thanksgiving Dinner to homeless people.

The former President and former First Lady feeding the homeless.

This was in 1993 and the Clintons were in their first term in the White House; they were giving back to the community by volunteering; wait, is it possible for a public servant to volunteer to help the public? Anyhow, they are doing a fine job of staging a feeding of the homeless.  Witness they bounty that she is offering for Thanksgiving; some sort of giant vegetable platter.  Also, that little boy is eating a white bread sandwich.   That's right boys and girls, once upon a time it was OK to give children white bread.

Let's see how Bernie Sanders has spent past Thanksgivings according to the internet image search.

(30 min image search)

Ok, so other than the pictures of Bernie Sanders eating ice cream or dining with a rapper, there are no pictures of Bernie Sanders doing the Thanksgiving thing.  Wow.

On to the other side of the aisle.

Marco Rubio celebrating Thanksgiving; go-go gadget Google search.

(30 min image search)

Hmmm.  No dice.  In the old days everybody that had a camera, and we are talking about pre-digital here, took at least one picture of Thanksgiving.

Well, lets just look do a search of presidential candidates having Thanksgiving and see what turns up.

HAHAHAHAHA.  Here is a great picture of Michele Bachmann having Thanksgiving.

That took a turn in a hurry.

(10 min laughing fit)

Well, here is a more serious picture of the Candidates in Iowa praying over fall themed decorations; which after Michele Bachmann, I will take it.

Republican U.S. presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum pray at the Presidential Family Forum in Des Moines, Iowa. MARK KAUZLARICH / Reuters

Rick Santorum looks like he is pleading for his life in a Godfather film.

You know, I started writing this blog wanting to show the candidates sharing a tradition that covers all people in the United States every November.  It's part of our core being.  As it turns out, Hillary Clinton wins Thanksgiving day picture.  I leave you with one last picture that sums up how this Thanksgiving week blog post out.

Donald Trump turkey complete with comb over!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

So long Joe... The Democratic stage is set

Fred Thompson during the Watergate hearings

First and foremost I would like to say good-bye to long time Senator Fred Thompson(R TN 1994-2003).  He passed away on Nov. 1, 2015 and will be missed.  Sen. Thompson made a Presidential bid in 2008 and helped to shape some of the conservative issues of that election.  I enjoyed his work on television and in movies over the years and supported his presidential bid.  God speed and thank you for sharing your talents and wisdom with the rest of us sir.

Now on to the election.

Joe Biden has officially announced that he will not be joining the Presidential race.  This leaves the two major front runners- Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders- can now expend resources winning over the hearts and minds of the American public.

Hillary has emerged from her questioning on Capital Hill over the email scandal mostly unscathed, just showing us that she has some of that same magic that her husband used back in the '90s.
It seems that scandals that would have made any normal mortal being run into seclusion for the rest of their lives have only made her more resolute.

I am not a Democrat, but I am really interested in watching this match play out.  The "debate" didn't sort any of the candidates out; it was just a big anti-corporation, anti-NRA, anti-capitalism event.  It wasn't anything new.

The great battle is shaping up
On the Republican side of the contest the good Dr. Ben Carson has made some headway in some state polls.  A recent NBC poll has both Trump and Carson tied around 26%.  I have been a fan of Dr. Carson for some time, but I have felt that he didn't have the presence to really project his message and clinch a Presidency.  My feelings were wrong; this has turned into a tortoise and hare race.

This is a battle that America needs and wants.