Sunday, July 10, 2016

Political Gains and Blood Stains

In the Fall of 2008 the United States was on the cusp of fulfilling a dream that was going to close the door on a long and sordid chapter in the history of the United States of America.  We were going to elect the first black American as President of the United States.  There were lofty promises of unity and "healing" the wounds that our society was suffering from after being at war for the better part of the decade.  In my heart of hearts I hoped that Barry Obama was telling the truth; I wanted him to be a man of honor and surprise me by being the great and young leader our nation most needed.   Then I watched his inauguration address; the proverbial passing of the torch moment.  It was during that speech that the future was laid out.  A speech that made clear that he was announcing that he was inheriting a severely broken nation to lead and it was all his predecessor's fault.  This young man was not going to take responsibility for anything because he was the only thing worst than a sore loser; a sore winner.

He was elected on a progressive ticket and was carrying the mandate of a nation that demanded change with a blank check and amnesty protecting him from any real consequences.  He was an African-american  and was held blameless very spoken rule that was established early on; any criticism of his policies or actions would be declared the raging cries of racists.  The newly minted President declared that our way of life was the core of the dramas raging out of control across the globe.  The declaration of unity of purpose and that we as a nation was at a time to put away "childish things" were made and that we were a nation in decline.

Early on there was the spoken goals of healing racial divides and bringing people together.  I was never more afraid for the nation that I love than I was at that moment...  he was going to try to tear this country apart.  It was plain as day; the Kool-aid pitcher and cups were empty and America stood there cheering and clapping.
Atlanta Highway Protest post Dallas-

Eight years later America is so divided that there are not enough colors in a box of crayons to make sure every party gets one.  You pick an issue, any issue, and there will be dozens of divisions and people are immediately at each other's throats.  Seriously.  We are a nation that is currently fighting over whether or not men and women should be able to use any restroom they want.  Something as simple and elementary as using the correct restroom is causing people to come unglued.  In all of this division the old stand by of black versus white.

We have arrived at this point because the enemies of this great nation have found the key to destroying the United States as it once was; law and order.   When the President started to side with criminals and casting the legitimate authorities as villains he stumbled upon a fine crack in the pillars of our society.  Look at every corner of law and order; I am not judging whether these laws are wrong or right, just that they are the law.

1) Marijuana is an illegal substance that is banned by federal law.  Suddenly there were States that decided to test the Federal Government and legalize it.  The US government only protested in the most limited way possible.

2) Enforcing Federal Firearms Laws-  Many States passed laws stating that the Federal Government's ability to regulate firearms was based on interstate commerce; if a gun starts out in a State and is used intrastate, then the Federal Government does not have the legitimate position to enforce a Federal Ban in the state.  Some States have even go so far as to threaten incarceration for any Federal agents that try to enforce Federal Firearms laws within the State.

3) Gay marriage is now the law of the land and every State now has to recognize the same sex civil unions created in other States.  The battle over this is still being played out in counties all across the nation.

4) Bathrooms.

5) Illegal immigrants are a fact.  However, not only are people forced to deal with the busloads of immigrants that are essentially left at the doorsteps of towns across America, they are not even in danger of being deported.  As a result there are schools in the United States that have more languages than the UN being spoken in them as primary languages.  The cost to accommodate these needs is astronomical.  Also, without proper health screenings the United States has experienced revivals in 'old timey' diseases that were eradicated from our nation decades ago.  TB anyone?

6)  Finally.  I want to discuss the "police want to shoot all black people" narrative.  The revival of the myth of the "man" keeping black people down in the 21st century has been brought about with a vengeance.  Tell a person that they are poor, uneducated, and useless because they are an uneducated drug addict is being unreasonable; tell that same person that they are in that situation because the white man is keeping them down is progressive.  It is a small mental jump to convince the poorest black people that police are trying to kill them to then include all white people are trying to kill them and then the final conclusion- kill them first.

Dallas was completely nonsensical and 100% avoidable.  The President of the United States and his offices have been systematically winding up the unsophisticated sections of American society and waiting for the spring to pop.  Finally it happened.  A US military vet (watch out vets they are coming for you next) comes out of nowhere and commits the greatest killing spree on police in US history since 9/11. Horrifyingly our guardians of social order are the wholesale targets of criminals looking to accomplish vague and imaginary social goals.  The only thing that a person does when they kill all the police is remove the only people in the whole world who are sworn to protect them; regardless of how much of a scumbag that poor fool might be.  Sooner or later a riot will spill out of it's sanctioned zone in a city and will spread to another town that isn't OK with people destroying their town.  Those Americans will protect their city with lethal force.  The body count will be tragic and everyone will forever damaged by the experience; when that day comes just remember that a majority of Americans voted for the Boy King-destroyer of America.
Thanks Twitter for making this possible.

Presumptive candidates Trump and Clinton both chimed in; Trump turned his slogan into "make America safe again" and the Clinton came out with I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens.”  
When I read that line from Mrs. Clinton's speech I laughed out loud; Mrs. Clinton lives in a world where she assumes two things that are very, very wrong.  First; she assumes that she can tell me what I need to do.  Second; she assumes that I wouldn't have her thrown off my property for suggesting that I care what other people's concerns are.  Criminal negligence his her game.  
My recommendation for poor black neighborhoods is to get together; take out the trash by throwing  the criminal element out of your neighborhoods and mow your lawns.  Seriously.  It all starts with the individual, a clean cut young person who has a better chance of making it than somebody who has decided to dress like a crazy person 24/7.  This advice goes to everyone of all creeds and colors.  I can't where my end-of-the-world clothes to work; that's what weekends are for.  I am not going to spend dime one or time trying to rescue a self destructive culture.  Nope, the Feds can bite me.

Let the "big cities" sort their own problems out; it's not like people do not know how to be successful or at least live the life of a decent human.  There are a majority of communities that manage to not have anyone kill anybody every day.  Yes, every single day they manage to go murder free.  The secret is that if you feel the need to harm another human being; don't.   Problem solved.

Every time a riot destroys the few businesses that were in a neighborhood, making that neighborhood even poorer, I watch in wonder.  The black lives matter group does nothing to win anyone over to their side.  They alienate, threaten, and generally offend anyone not on their side of the protest sign.  They destroy their own businesses and loot their own neighborhood stores and then want somebody to pay the tab for rebuilding their communities.  They will eventually take their hate into the suburbs where the police and people are better trained, armed, and organized. Sooner or later their luck will run out and this nation will experience another tragedy.

The President denies that the country is divided... all part of the grand illusion.

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