Monday, September 19, 2016

ISIS Practice Run

Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, was shot and apprehended today.  Who is this person?  Well, he is the new poster child for the upcoming "post-Obama" America.  We live in a society that in war time has imported the enemy and given them the means to get comfortable.  America has imported, with little to no screening, an entire invasion force; allowing them to not only become a part of their community, but also allowing them to shape communities across America to their will.  Rahami's family owns a fried chicken restaurant and had sued the police for profiling them.  This weekend is a major shift in tactics and methods in the war that is a game changer;  the playing field is now inside of Fortress America.  The public opinion is with our enemy; we cannot hurt their feelings.  Remember that all Muslims are not our enemy; just the radical ones.  Unfortunately we cannot tell which is which; also, we do not have Muslims dragging members of their flocks into police headquarters turning in the "bad seeds".  Now, they can sue the authorities or anyone else who gets too close to uncovering their plots and still execute their complex bombing plot.

This is an election year and the powers that be have allowed three attacks over Saturday and Sunday night.  Pipe bombs were planted in three different locations.  One disrupted the Semper Five run in New Jersey and that event was cancelled and then one went off in a trash can in New York city.  The third bomb was found in a trash bin at a train station by some homeless people and it detonated while the bomb squad was working with it.  Meanwhile in Minnesota an "ISIS Fanatic", whatever the Hell that is, went on a stabbing spree until an officer gunned him down.  He apparently had a boring life until he decided to start stabbing non-Muslims.  This is the world we live in and it means that the terrorist are winning.  It is a world where we cannot trust the world around us; a world where innocent people are found to be suspect because the enemy has "radicalized" people of every age, race, sex, and nationality.  I know who I can trust... there are billions of people who are not on that list and that is why the terrorist have won.
Courtesy of the MuskegonPundit.
Neither candidate has done anything stellar in this moment and most of America is treating it as a case of the Mondays.  Get it people, this is so not news that nobody stayed home to wait and see what was going to happen next.  I'm telling you that this was a practice run; they were going to try to set off a series of bombs in the most "prepared" police state like areas and see the results.  Now they know that can hit a non-standard target... like Iowa and do mass damage; just you wait and see.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Trump Wades the Water and Jumps the Border

In the last few weeks Donald Trump has done two things that the current sitting President and Hillary Clinton have done; go to the scene of the crisis in Louisiana and go to Mexico to discuss the immigration crisis.
Courtesy of ABC news; Trump hands out supplies in Louisiana.
The old saying in politics is to never let a crisis go to waste and Trump is all over it.  As we speak there is the first Hurricane to hit Florida in 11 years rolling across it causing massive damage.  I can't wait to see the responses from the "big three".   While Donald Trump is not the poster child anyone would have asked for in a candidate, he is playing his hand very well and is banking material to use in the coming debates and final stretch of the election.  The man who was where he was needed (or needed to be) if he wants to be elected president.

Don't get me wrong; I don't actually believe that he did anything to actually help everyone in the storm or is in Mexico to fix anything.  He is actually acting like a President and is doing things to demonstrate that he can at least pretend to do the job.  I just wish that our sitting President would do things other than tell people that he is almost out of the White House and can't do anything about it. Alternately I want the alternative to Trump to not phone it in to the crisis.  There should have been competing bread tables down there.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Dumpster Diving at the DNC

Donald Trump victorious over the powers that wanted him to lose.
So, the Republican National Convention is over and the Republicans have gone all in behind Donald Trump.  Despite that everyone was armed; that there were protests where the New Black Panthers... er, I mean the Black Lives Matter, The Westboro Baptist Church, and KKK were throwing urine at each other; that there were Democrats there to protest the event; it went off without a hitch and for good or ill: Donald Trump is the Republican candidate.
The road to the Republican National Convention was an epic battle between some very strong candidates and they all dug in for the long haul.  Early on Donald Trump was not expected to get very far.  The media reported how "extreme"and "unrealistic" he was; most importantly they said he couldn't win in a national election.  It became clear he was not the candidate that the Republican National Party really wanted.  Throughout the race there were suspicions that the RNC would never allow him to win.  However, the voters spoke and he won.

On the Democratic side; the Democrats had already decided at the top of the race who was going to win- voters be damned.  We now know that the five women on the Democratic National had made their decision and the party at the national level was working overtime to stack the deck.  Bernie Sanders worked very hard to be a viable candidate and Hillary didn't seem to be doing anything right.  Time after time she was making mistakes; being an absentee candidate; fending off more controversy than her husband ever had to deal with on his worst day. Throughout the entire time of speaking before empty rooms, canceling events for lack of interest, and dodging investigations she never once looked like a woman who was in the greatest fight of her life; she just always looked bored.  Time after time it would look like Bernie would overtake her in the polls; then she would suddenly shoot up for no reason.  In the beginning she was handed a frightening number of super delegates to keep any serious competition from challenging her.  Yet, Bernie was there whipping up crowds and rooms full of people (he didn't have to bus in people or rely on camera tricks) to get people energized.  Like a Vegas bet; the game was rigged from the start.  Bernie Sanders suspected this and was openly and not so openly challenging the National Party.  He wanted Debbie Wasserman Schultz's head for screwing him over.  He knew who ruined his chances and he wanted blood.  The DNC negotiated his sudden surrender and Debbie got to keep her head; until the other shoe dropped.
Victory Girls Blog
Now Debbie is being booed off the stage and Ol' Bernie is being trotted out to keep the peace.  Imagine spending all that time to energize your base only to have to the muzzle man for your Democratic overlords.  That's what you get for being Democrat.  At least on the Republican side Ted Cruz was allowed to go out one last time and shoot himself in the foot.

Witness the disaster that is soon-to-be former Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee:

MSNBC telling it how it is; click here to see what actually happened

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Viva La France!!!! Viva Liberty!

French President Francois Hollande earlier today announced that the French Government was lifting the State of Emergency on July 26th that has been in place since January 2016.  That was before the tragic and terrible events of the Bastille Day attacks.  
Great Scene with French Anthem
The announcement that the State of Emergency was being lifted was designed to show that France and the European Union were getting a handle on the growing immigration/terrorism problem.  It was designed to help bolster the feeling that the European Union was not crumbling and that the entirety of main land Europe was not already overrun by undocumented terrorists.  The President's address made during France's national holiday was a key tool in helping Europe and France recover after the Brexit vote.  However the speech made at the height of national pride earlier today became a giant target for ISIS/Taliban/Jihadist etc.  They struck at a time when the entire nation of France was feeling at it's top; the bust the French balloon.  

After nearly 15 years of war against the Islamic aggressors there are entirely too many people pretending to be living in a September the 10th world.  It's as if after every attack the enemy gets it's satisfaction and is going to go home happy.  This is not how it works with this enemy; I am not sure that is how it has ever worked.  The whole of the world has been embroiled in conflict with these animals for a long time and there doesn't seem to be anyone seriously working on a practical answer.  The only place that hasn't seem some sort of Islamic violence has been the North and South Poles; and possibly the International Space Station (I am sure that one of the scumbag nations will take a pot shot at it sooner or later).  The nations of the world simply need to close the borders to immigration and start using the visa system again on a wide scale.  It wasn't that long ago that everyone had to apply just to visit most countries.  It worked, it brings back jobs, and it kept nations safe.

In the United States of America that is linchpin of this upcoming election.  Do we as a people want millions of unchecked foreign peoples being brought in, unchecked, and dropped into every city and town in America?  In 2014 there were over 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States.  That was when Obama made his historic move to stop the deportation of illegal immigrants.   Since that time they have even started arriving on airliners and are staying in specialty built hotels with full amenities.  They have hairdressers, cable, and swimming pools.  By contrast I don't even own a TV, I cut my own hair, and I haven't even seen a pool in two years.  These people that are being set up to take the fall when America finally gets tired of the illegal immigrant criminals murdering, raping, and doing all manners of evil deeds;  those poor people will be the ones who will suffer the wrath of an America that is so mad that they will blindly lash out looking for blood.

Speaking of looking for blood; the United States is now in a full on shooting war with it's self.  The never ending game of "cops and robbers" that plays out in American big cities everyday has become a game of "hunt the cops".  The standards for becoming a police officer has already been lowered to a pretty dismal level and now a lot of police departments will take who they can get.  This means that the cycle of poor judgement calls and missteps turning into riots will only get worse.  

However, we should not worry.  The President has an agenda, err... I mean idea! Obama wants to create a Nationalized Police force so that all police everywhere are working directly for the White House.   Can you imagine a President that not only has full control over the FBI (one of the many national law enforcement agencies already in existence), the NSA (a formally secretive organization that only existed in movies), the CIA (the spooks), and then an army of brown shirts keeping an eye on your every move and enforcing the President's will?  Well boys and girls, we don't need to imagine; we simply need to open our eyes and see the drama play out.  I have said it before; think long and hard about where it is you live and ask yourself how bad it will get in your neighborhood before it gets better.   You might want to think about moving while you still can.  See the image below to see the nightmare police squad in reality...


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Political Gains and Blood Stains

In the Fall of 2008 the United States was on the cusp of fulfilling a dream that was going to close the door on a long and sordid chapter in the history of the United States of America.  We were going to elect the first black American as President of the United States.  There were lofty promises of unity and "healing" the wounds that our society was suffering from after being at war for the better part of the decade.  In my heart of hearts I hoped that Barry Obama was telling the truth; I wanted him to be a man of honor and surprise me by being the great and young leader our nation most needed.   Then I watched his inauguration address; the proverbial passing of the torch moment.  It was during that speech that the future was laid out.  A speech that made clear that he was announcing that he was inheriting a severely broken nation to lead and it was all his predecessor's fault.  This young man was not going to take responsibility for anything because he was the only thing worst than a sore loser; a sore winner.

He was elected on a progressive ticket and was carrying the mandate of a nation that demanded change with a blank check and amnesty protecting him from any real consequences.  He was an African-american  and was held blameless very spoken rule that was established early on; any criticism of his policies or actions would be declared the raging cries of racists.  The newly minted President declared that our way of life was the core of the dramas raging out of control across the globe.  The declaration of unity of purpose and that we as a nation was at a time to put away "childish things" were made and that we were a nation in decline.

Early on there was the spoken goals of healing racial divides and bringing people together.  I was never more afraid for the nation that I love than I was at that moment...  he was going to try to tear this country apart.  It was plain as day; the Kool-aid pitcher and cups were empty and America stood there cheering and clapping.
Atlanta Highway Protest post Dallas-

Eight years later America is so divided that there are not enough colors in a box of crayons to make sure every party gets one.  You pick an issue, any issue, and there will be dozens of divisions and people are immediately at each other's throats.  Seriously.  We are a nation that is currently fighting over whether or not men and women should be able to use any restroom they want.  Something as simple and elementary as using the correct restroom is causing people to come unglued.  In all of this division the old stand by of black versus white.

We have arrived at this point because the enemies of this great nation have found the key to destroying the United States as it once was; law and order.   When the President started to side with criminals and casting the legitimate authorities as villains he stumbled upon a fine crack in the pillars of our society.  Look at every corner of law and order; I am not judging whether these laws are wrong or right, just that they are the law.

1) Marijuana is an illegal substance that is banned by federal law.  Suddenly there were States that decided to test the Federal Government and legalize it.  The US government only protested in the most limited way possible.

2) Enforcing Federal Firearms Laws-  Many States passed laws stating that the Federal Government's ability to regulate firearms was based on interstate commerce; if a gun starts out in a State and is used intrastate, then the Federal Government does not have the legitimate position to enforce a Federal Ban in the state.  Some States have even go so far as to threaten incarceration for any Federal agents that try to enforce Federal Firearms laws within the State.

3) Gay marriage is now the law of the land and every State now has to recognize the same sex civil unions created in other States.  The battle over this is still being played out in counties all across the nation.

4) Bathrooms.

5) Illegal immigrants are a fact.  However, not only are people forced to deal with the busloads of immigrants that are essentially left at the doorsteps of towns across America, they are not even in danger of being deported.  As a result there are schools in the United States that have more languages than the UN being spoken in them as primary languages.  The cost to accommodate these needs is astronomical.  Also, without proper health screenings the United States has experienced revivals in 'old timey' diseases that were eradicated from our nation decades ago.  TB anyone?

6)  Finally.  I want to discuss the "police want to shoot all black people" narrative.  The revival of the myth of the "man" keeping black people down in the 21st century has been brought about with a vengeance.  Tell a person that they are poor, uneducated, and useless because they are an uneducated drug addict is being unreasonable; tell that same person that they are in that situation because the white man is keeping them down is progressive.  It is a small mental jump to convince the poorest black people that police are trying to kill them to then include all white people are trying to kill them and then the final conclusion- kill them first.

Dallas was completely nonsensical and 100% avoidable.  The President of the United States and his offices have been systematically winding up the unsophisticated sections of American society and waiting for the spring to pop.  Finally it happened.  A US military vet (watch out vets they are coming for you next) comes out of nowhere and commits the greatest killing spree on police in US history since 9/11. Horrifyingly our guardians of social order are the wholesale targets of criminals looking to accomplish vague and imaginary social goals.  The only thing that a person does when they kill all the police is remove the only people in the whole world who are sworn to protect them; regardless of how much of a scumbag that poor fool might be.  Sooner or later a riot will spill out of it's sanctioned zone in a city and will spread to another town that isn't OK with people destroying their town.  Those Americans will protect their city with lethal force.  The body count will be tragic and everyone will forever damaged by the experience; when that day comes just remember that a majority of Americans voted for the Boy King-destroyer of America.
Thanks Twitter for making this possible.

Presumptive candidates Trump and Clinton both chimed in; Trump turned his slogan into "make America safe again" and the Clinton came out with I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens.”  
When I read that line from Mrs. Clinton's speech I laughed out loud; Mrs. Clinton lives in a world where she assumes two things that are very, very wrong.  First; she assumes that she can tell me what I need to do.  Second; she assumes that I wouldn't have her thrown off my property for suggesting that I care what other people's concerns are.  Criminal negligence his her game.  
My recommendation for poor black neighborhoods is to get together; take out the trash by throwing  the criminal element out of your neighborhoods and mow your lawns.  Seriously.  It all starts with the individual, a clean cut young person who has a better chance of making it than somebody who has decided to dress like a crazy person 24/7.  This advice goes to everyone of all creeds and colors.  I can't where my end-of-the-world clothes to work; that's what weekends are for.  I am not going to spend dime one or time trying to rescue a self destructive culture.  Nope, the Feds can bite me.

Let the "big cities" sort their own problems out; it's not like people do not know how to be successful or at least live the life of a decent human.  There are a majority of communities that manage to not have anyone kill anybody every day.  Yes, every single day they manage to go murder free.  The secret is that if you feel the need to harm another human being; don't.   Problem solved.

Every time a riot destroys the few businesses that were in a neighborhood, making that neighborhood even poorer, I watch in wonder.  The black lives matter group does nothing to win anyone over to their side.  They alienate, threaten, and generally offend anyone not on their side of the protest sign.  They destroy their own businesses and loot their own neighborhood stores and then want somebody to pay the tab for rebuilding their communities.  They will eventually take their hate into the suburbs where the police and people are better trained, armed, and organized. Sooner or later their luck will run out and this nation will experience another tragedy.

The President denies that the country is divided... all part of the grand illusion.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Election 2016: Like a George Kennedy Disaster Film

When this election cycle started I signed up for both party's email lists and every one of the candidates on both sides.  Early on I was receiving many emails, mostly looking for money, and some emails containing few hard details on stances.  However, we are now in the semi-finals for the candidates and the Democrats are firing off emails by the dozens everyday.  Here is a quote from an email I received today from Christina Reynolds the Deputy Communications Director at Hillary for America. 

"Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different—they are dangerously incoherent. They’re not even really ideas—just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. He is not just unprepared—he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility."

When I read the above passage I just about fell out of my chair with laughter.  I am NOT a Trump fan; he has done nothing during this campaign to make me want to continue to support him.  I think that if he is elected then the Republican party will be sidelined from the White House for a generation.  I also do not necessarily disagree with the message of the passage.  The farce being played out here is that this is coming from the Hillary campaign.  

You would have to be the shambling and reanimated corps of Sigmund Freud to even begin to fully deconstruct the problems I have with this message.  Let's try this on for size:

"Hillary Clinton's ideas aren’t just different—they are dangerously incoherent. They’re not even really ideas—just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. She is not just unprepared—she is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility." 

I think that Donald Trump keeps Hillary Clinton up at night because they are the same person.  From shady business dealings, lies stacked on lies, nonsense strings of words coming out of their mouths, terrible hair, and expensive clothes.  I think that if Hillary Clinton received a gender reassignment procedure she would be Donald Trump with a different pin on her... I mean his lapel.

Trump/Clinton Mashup.  Courtesy of 

Hillary's email list of complaints seem like a shopping list of her own short comings.     

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Trump, Cruz, and Rubio Walk into a Bar

Mount St. Helens crater, with the Pumice Plain in the foreground. October 2004

The looming shadow of a contested convention is starting to cast itself across the land of conservatism.  There are several things we need to consider dear reader:

1)  The establishment (aka the Republican National Committee) cannot let Donald Trump become the candidate of choice for the Party in the 2016 election.

2) Following the Establishment candidate of choice has been a bottom up affair.  I am not plugged into the know and therefore cannot prove this, but I believe that the obvious choice for establishment candidate to be Cruz.  I do not believe that to be the case; it's Rubio and I will explain more later.

3) We have a four man race, and with the stakes as high as they are, that is two too many.

4) Both parties face  the threat of independent third party candidates crashing their plans.
patient performs a task in a MEG scanner
The Democrats are gathering the data they need to control you.
The establishment has had a big problem on it's hands since 2008; nobody in their right mind wants to be the President of the United States in this modern era.  Not only do we have all the problems of a modern industrialized country, but we also have a war that has been raging since 2001; we have had a terrible economy that only looks good to a third grader; every system designed to keep humanity from destroying itself (NATO, UN, European Union, OPEC) is unraveling at an alarming rate; the nouveau Soviets are the freaking GOOD guys on the global stage; China is doing as it damn well pleases in the South Pacific; North Korea has actually matured its military into an actual threat to the US and what few solid allies we have left; and the job of President of the United States has been molded into Dictatorship.

This is why in 2008, the Republican field had the biggest RINO of the all who wanted to loose.  John McCain simply handed the future of America to the Communist.  Then in 2012 the field of Republican Candidates was like some freak show.  Every single one of the candidates was from central casting; each was unprepared to make a serious show as being President.  When when Mitt Romney became the candidate; he never acted like he really wanted the job.  Then we found out later that he really didn't have his heart in it.  The Democrats were handed a no restrictions control over the future of our nation for eight years.  There have been terrible leadership from the Republicans; turning Congress as a whole into a joke.  Nobody wanted to mount a serious challenge to the President; the path to reconstruction is bleak and nobody wants to do what it will take to rebuild the Republic.  So it is.  The Republic of the United States, which has a very good record for a continued and mostly uninterrupted government, has finally reached the Thomas Jefferson line.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.      -Thomas Jefferson

The Republican Party has to field a "company man" who will do the bidding of the establishment and be a good errand boy.  The problem they face is that the two people who will likely not play ball by their rules are the front runners.  I mentioned that I thought that Marco Rubio was their boy and I stand by that.  There is no longer any reason for him to be in the race; it is mathematically impossible for him to win.  Yet he is still in the race; because he is following orders.  That also addresses point three; which has to do the mathematics of winning.

In order to win the position of Republican Candidate a person has to score 1,237 delegates.  Since the Republicans have much fewer Super Delegates than the Democrats, it is anybody's game.  Since there are fewer Super Delegates to impose the will of the party onto itself the Party has be creative to stack the deck.  It goes a little something like this.

Since the Republicans cannot get Trump and Cruz under control they have to water down the delegates that will go to them.  By keeping the bottom feeders in play, who may actually win a few states, they deny these votes to the top two and when the convention comes around there is a chance nobody will get enough votes to cinch the win.  This brings further rounds of voting where none of the electors are beholden to vote for the people they were sent to vote for.  This creates a situation where the candidates have to start brokering deals to get votes.  This is where the establishment gets its chance to force its will.  Just watch.

Get along little voters.
The nuclear option.  The Republican National Committee wins its way and gets their candidate of choice.  The slighted parties exact their revenge by running third party; therefore taking all of their supporters with them.  When this happens in a normal election cycle it pretty much means that the party that they are targeting is going to loose.  This cycle has the unique situation of there being a lot of huge egos in play and therefore a high chance of both sides of this happening.  This might mean that we will end up with a four way race; each person would also have the added bonus of actually winning.  

Keep you eyes on the ball and ask yourself what is really going on.  This will be a race for the history books.

Until next time,

Keep your eyes open.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Guns and the GOP

Well Trump Stumpers,

The issue of guns has come roaring to the front lines of the GOP civil war, er, I mean race for the candidacy.  Jeb Bush comes out of nowhere and posted a picture of his FN that engraved with his name.

 A nice gift to a visiting politician.  People are wasting time and getting distracted over nothing. There has been a grand tradition of giving firearms to world leaders throughout history.

Here are some famous examples:

Napoleon Bonaparte had a pistol gifted to him by Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Thornton.  This pistol was a three barreled flintlock.

George Washington received this matched pair of French made saddle pistols from the Marquis de Lafayette.  These same pistols would later be gifted to President Andrew Jackson.
George Washington The Father of Our Country was not only an avid hunter but also quite the gun aficionado. Numerous sets of pistols with provenance to the General are currently on exhibit at his Mount Vernon, Va., home as well as at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.

President Lincoln was presented a gold plated Henry Repeating rifle, serial number 6.

Another repeater made famous by its use during the war was the Henry Repeating Rifle. Serial No. 6 was presented to Lincoln with a fully engraved, gold-plated receiver. It was honored with the NRA’s first National Treasure Gold Medal Award in 1998, making it the finest-made, historically significant firearm in the country.

President Theodore Roosevelt was presented with a double rifle, Kornbrath engraved. in .450/500 NE by Fredrick Adolph.  

TR’s big stick was a Frederick Adolph .450-500 NE that he never got a chance to take to Africa. It spent most of its life on display at the Abercrombie & Fitch Manhattan store or at the National Firearms Museum at NRA HQ. A sportsman, described as a wealthy Chicago businessman, drowned in Alaska in 1910 leaving the arms importer, Frederick Adolph, stuck with a double rifle, Kornbrath engraved and in .450/500 NE that he had already taken delivery on. Not one to let a chance for some publicity escape him, Adolph, with some public fanfare, presented the gun to Theodore Roosevelt at his home on Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y. TR never had any occasion to use the gun and asked that it be displayed in the window of Abercrombie & Fitch in Manhattan for a time. Eventually it was given to one of his hunting guides and donated to the NRA through the efforts of Ron Peterson of Albuquerque, N.M. Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt was the Executive Officer of the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry when it embarked from Tampa, Fla., in June of 1898 and headed to Cuba. Most of the infantry of the U.S. Army at that time was equipped with the .45-70 black powder Springfield Trapdoor single-shot rifle and carbine. Roosevelt used his political capitol to equip his men with the Model 1896 Krag Jorgensen carbine in .30-40 smokeless. TR personally took a Winchester Model 1895 Carbine with him and loaned it to Trooper Bob Wrenn who arrived in Cuba late and without a longarm. Wrenn was a four-time U.S. tennis singles championship winner, and a charter inductee in the International Tennis Hall of Fame. The carbine is currently on loan to the National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Va., from the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site of the National Park Service in Manhattan, N.Y.

I think I have more than made my point that famous, and some infamous, people have received firearms as gifts over the history of the United States.  People need to stop losing their minds over it and not get distracted by establishment fluff.  We need to get our focus back and start thinking about what is going to be done to save the Republic we live in, or at least make sure that the implosion is a controlled one.

Here is one last parting picture for you gun fans out there:

This is the 1911 that Elvis gave to President Richard Nixon when he visited the White House.  Can you imagine somebody getting a gun into the White House to give it to Obama?